2.2 solid waste reduction
1. outdoor composting
SMDS has been composting food and other waste outdoors since 2012. At lunch and snack time, students decide which items can be composted. All ages participate in composting. Our Kindergarten, Pre-K, and 4s classes learn about the Eat to Live Cycle, from food to waste to compost, and back to nutrients in the soil for new plants to grow.
The photos above show our Kindergarten class collecting, cutting, shredding, transporting, and tumbling their own compost after lunch.
The photos above show our Kindergarten class collecting, cutting, shredding, transporting, and tumbling their own compost after lunch.
2. Vermicomposting
Part of SMDS environmental education is to teach the children about composting by raising an indoor red worm composting system for small food scraps. This is located in our STEM classroom. Students actively add scraps and have used the mature compost for indoor planting.
3. Recycling
The SMDS student population has been actively engaged in recycling since the school's doors opened. Students recycle all materials allowed by Maryland facilities and separate appropriate materials in their classrooms. Our Kindergarten class decorated a beautiful recycling awareness poster in March and all of our students actively participate in recycling. Several of our Threes students can be seen sorting without guidance, illustrating the power of helping our students make responsible choices and build productive habits.
4. Eliminating Plastic Waste
Part of our initiative for the 2018-2019 school year was so drastically reduce our plastic waste. We have reduced our plastic cup waste by providing each child with a reusable water bottle. The water bottles stay at school and are filled each day for the students. We have also started a campaign to reduce plastic bag waste. As a school we are collecting plastic bags to turn in to the AACO Recycling Plant. For every 50 plastic bags a family turns in, they recieve a reusable tote. The hope is for each family to be using the reusable totes to eliminate their plastic waste at home as well.
5. using recycled materials for art projects
We often use recycled materials whenever possible for the children to create and design with. We have maker stations established in our classrooms a STEM tinker room during summer camp. In this areas the materials are recycled materials that we have saved at school or the families have brought in from home such as toilet paper rolls, milk and egg cartons, water bottles, and lids.